Sunday, March 25, 2007




I was stuck in the Bahamas an extra two days with little money, burned body, and low spirits, wanting badly to come back to the states.

I lost the election to become Vice President of the Chinese Students Club.

I had an interview in the financial district @ 9 am on Thursday, having prepared all night (and still not doing well) instead of studying for my Japanese midterm, for which I frenziedly crammed.

On the upside, I watched Fujiya & Miyagi in concert. Hoheup is fun. Went to Shake Shack and had yummy custard and Shack Stack in the rain. Was a big sib to an adopted girl from China on Saturday. Am going to run for ESC Professional Development and Alumni Relations Representative. Will have so much time without CSC.

Everything is rushing by so quickly, and yet, I still feel like I’m standing still.